詹泽慧:博士,教授,博士生导师,青年珠江学者,华南师范大学智慧教育装备产学研基地负责人,国际期刊asia pacific journal of innovation and entrepreneurship 副主编,humanities and social sciences communications副主编,frontiers in psychology副主编,computers & education-ai编委,中国教育技术协会信息技术教育专业委员会创客与跨学科教育研究组秘书长,粤港澳大湾区stem教育联盟核心成员,广东省中小学“百千万人才培养工程”智能名教师理论导师。
2001.9.-2005.6. 中山大学理工学院,国家物理学基地班,本科
2005.9.-2006.11. 英国爱丁堡大学,信息学院,硕士
2007.9.-2010.6. 华南师范大学,教育信息技术学院,博士
2009.8.-2010.8. 美国佛罗里达州立大学,教育学院,访问学者
2013.12.-2016.2. 华南师范大学,心理学博士后科研流动站,博士后
2014.2.-2016.2. 香江学者计划资助赴香港理工大学开展合作研究
2016.11.至今 华南师范大学,教育信息技术学院,教授
● 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于事理图谱的计算思维智能导训模型及可解释性研究”,项目编号:62277018
● 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于眼动追踪的智能教学agent情感交互与认知支持模型研究”,项目编号:61305144
● 主持,教育部人文社科项目,“基于c-steam的粤港澳大湾区教育协同创新机制研究”,项目编号:22yjc880106
● 主持,华南师范大学哲学社会科学重大培育项目,“面向创新能力培养的跨学科组合策略与应用效果研究”,项目编号:zdpy2208
● 主持,广东省教育厅基础研究重大项目及应用研究重大项目,“基于学科模型的创新能力培养信息化平台设计与应用”,项目编号:2017wzdxm004
● 主持,教育部人文社科项目,“混合学习系统的知识流向与动态共享机制研究”,项目编号:13yjc880105
● 主持,中国博士后科学基金第 55 批面上一等资助“支持情感交互的智能教学agent:模型与作用机制”,项目编号:2014m550438
● 主持,广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,“基于活动组合的混合学习模式研究”,项目编号:s2011040001730
● 主持, 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目, “混合学习中的学生元认知模型:作用机制与提升策略”,项目编号:lym10059
● 参与,国家自然科学基金重点项目“课堂流媒体跨模态知识元协同解析与评估方法”,项目编号:62237001
● 参与,教育部哲学社会科学研究重大委托项目“我国高中阶段学生核心素养的模型及指标体系研究”,项目编号:13jzdw009
● 参与,高校人文社科重点研究基地重大项目子课题"中小学生创新能力培养的理论创新与教育信息化平台构建”,项目编号:16jjd880025
● 参与,中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会和教育部科技司委托项目“国家教育信息化指标和数字化学校标准实验项目”(教科秘〔2012〕11号)。
● 参与,国家自然科学基金面上一般课题“移动学习行为感知下教育资源语义组织与存储优化研究”,项目编号:61370178。
● 参与,广东省省级科技计划项目“基于大数据分析的智慧学习云服务及示范应用”,项目编号:2015b010109003
● zhan z., he w., yi x., ma s. (2022). effect of unplugged programming teaching aids on children's computational thinking and classroom interaction: with respect to piaget's four stages theory. journal of educational computing research, 60(5):1277-1300. https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211057143
● zhan, z., he, l., tong, y., liang, x., guo, s., & lan, x. (2022). the effectiveness of gamification in programming education: evidence from a meta-analysis. computers and education: artificial intelligence, 100096. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2022.100096
● zhan, z., shen, w., lin, w. (2022) effect of product-based pedagogy on students’ project management skills, learning achievement, creativity, and innovative thinking in a high-school artificial intelligence course. front. psychol. 13:849842. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.849842
● zhan, z., he, g., li, t., he, l., xiang, s. (2022). effect of groups size on students' learning achievement, motivation, cognitive load, collaborative problem-solving quality, and in-class interaction in an introductory ai course. journal of computer assisted learning. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12722
● zhan, z., tong, y., lan, x., zhong, b. (2022). a systematic literature review of game-based learning in artificial intelligence education. interactive learning environment, https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2115077
● zhan, z., wu, q., lin, z., & cai, j. (2021). smart classroom environments affect teacher-student interaction: evidence from a behavioural sequence analysis. australasian journal of educational technology, 37(2), 96-109. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.6523
● zhan, z., mei, h., liang, t., huo, l., bonk, c. & hu, q. (2021). a longitudinal study into the effects of material incentives on knowledge-sharing networks and information lifecycles in an online forum, interactive learning environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2021.1897844
● zhan, z., ma, s., li, w., shen, w., huo, l., & yao, x. (2021). effect of "6c" instructional design model on students' steam competency and cultural inheritance literacy in a dragon boat c-steam course. iceel 2021. doi: 10.1145/3502434.3502436
● he, l., cai, j., & zhan, z.* (2022). a c-steam open-classroom project based on scrum: the design and development of “cultural guangzhou” sand tray. in 6th international conference on education and multimedia technology (icemt 2022). https://doi.org/10.1145/3551708.3551750
● zhong, b., liu, x., zhan, z. et al. what should a chinese top-level design in stem education look like?. humanit soc sci commun 9, 261 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01279-1
● li, t.; zhan, z.* a systematic review on design thinking integrated learning in k-12 education. appl. sci. 2022, 12, 8077. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12168077
● lin, z., lin, z., zhan, z.*, wang, x.(2022). evaluating student’s creative thinking in steam education model construction and validation. in 2022 3rd international conference on education development and studies (iceds’22), march 09–11, 2022, hilo, hi, usa. acm, new york, ny, usa, 8 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3528137.3528143
● wu,q., feng, y., li, q., lin, z., zhan, z.*, huang j. (2022). a case study of appling combined task-driven teaching strategy in steam education. 2022 5th international conference on big data and education (icbde 2022).https://doi.org/10.1145/3524383.3524440
● wu,q.y.,lu, j.m., yu, m., lin, z.h., & zhan, z.* (2022). teaching design thinking in a c-steam project: a case study of developing the wooden arch bridges’ intelligent monitoring system. the 2022 13th international conference on e-education, e-business, e-management and e-learning (ic4e). https://doi.org/10.1145/3514262.3514313
● zhou, x., tong, y., lan, x., zheng, k., & zhan, z.* (2021). ai education in massive open online courses: a content analysis. the 3rd international conference on computer science and technologies in education. ccis. https://doi: 10.1109/cste53634.2021.00023
● guan, x., & zhan, z.* (2021). designing a c-steam course for enhancing children’s positive psychological characters and learning performance: a two-stage experiment. in 2021 13th international conference on education technology and computers (icetc 2021), october 22–25, 2021, wuhan, china. acm, new york, ny, usa. doi:10.1145/3498765.3498812
● huo, l., zhan, z.*, mai, z., yao, x., zheng, y. (2020). a case study on c-steam education: investigating the effects of students’ steam literacy and cultural inheritance literacy. icte 2020. ccis, vol 1302. springer, singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4594-2_1
● gao r, huang s, yao y, liu x, zhou y, zhang s, cai s, zuo h*, zhan z*, mo l *(2022) understanding zhongyong using a zhongyong approach: re-examining the non-linear relationship between creativity and the confucian doctrine of the mean. front. psychol. 13:903411. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.903411
● gao, r.; zhang, j.; liu, y.; zeng, j.; wu, d.; huang, x.; liu, x.; mo, l.*; zhan, z.*; zuo, h.* (2022). a sustainability lens on the paradox of chinese learners: four studies on chinese students’ learning concepts under li’s “virtue–mind” framework. sustainability 2022, 14, 3334. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063334
● zhan, z., fong, p.s.w., mei, h., liang, t. (2015). effects of gender grouping on students' group performance, individual achievements and attitudes in computer-supported collaborative learning. computers in human behavior, 48(c), 587-596. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.02.038
● yang q, zhan, z.*, du, x. 2022. a learning engagement analysis model for assignments based on dot matrix pen technology. in 2022 6th international conference on education and multimedia technology (icemt) (icemt 2022), july 13–15, 2022, guangzhou, china. acm, new york, ny, usa. https://doi.org/10.1145/3551708.3556215
● shen,w., zhan, z.*, chen, l., chen, h., & shen,r. (2022). constructing event graph for computational thinking path analysis through behavioral representation: a new approach for learning analytics. the 6th international conference on education and multimedia technology (icemt,2022). doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3551708.3551749
● yi, x., liu f., zhan, z.* (2022).a digital game-based model for assessing computational thinking skills. the 4th international conference on computer science and technologies in education (cste 2022). ieee.
● yi, x., zhan, z.*, ma s. (2022). an evaluation model of mooc learning engagement based on learning behaviors and social network analysis. 2022 ieee 2nd international conference on educational technology (icet). ieee.
● xiao, y., zhan, z.*, yuan, m. (2022). event graph construction based on disciplinary procedural knowledge: concept model and application. in icett 2022, april 16–18, 2022, macau, china. acm, new york, ny, usa, https://doi.org/10.1145/3535756.3535770
● li, y., chen, d., zhan, z. *(2022), research on personalized recommendation of mooc resources based on ontology, interactive technology and smart education, vol. 19 no. 4, pp. 422-440. https://doi.org/10.1108/itse-10-2021-0190
● zeng j., liu y., huang x., gao r., mei h., zhan, z.* (2020) establishing a tripartite intelligent reading platform connecting schools, families, and students: an approach with chinese characteristics to promote students’ reading. icte 2020. vol 1302. springer, singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4594-2_15
● zhong, b., kang, s., zhan, z.* (2021).investigating the effect of reverse engineering pedagogy in k-12 robotics education. computer applications in engineering education, 29, 1097-1111, https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22363
● zhan, z., wu, q., he, w.,cheng, s., lu, j. and han, y. (2021). k12 teacher-student interaction patterns in the smart classrooms, international journal of innovation and learning, vol. 29, no. 3, pp.267–286.
● zhan, z., wu, j., mei, h., wu, q. and fong, p.s.w. (2020), individual difference on reading ability tested by eye-tracking: from perspective of gender, interactive technology and smart education, vol. 17 no. 3, pp. 267-283. https://doi.org/10.1108/itse-12-2019-0082
● zhan, z., zhang, l., mei, h., & fong, s.w.p. (2016). online learners' reading ability detection based on eye-tracking sensors, sensors, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1457-1473, 2016.8.30, https://doi.org/10.3390/s16091457
● wang d., han h., zhan, z., xu j.*, liu q, ren g (2015). a problem solving oriented intelligent tutoring system to improve students' acquisition of basic computer skills. computers & education, 81, 102-112 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2014.10.003
● zhan z., fong, psw., mei, h., chang, x., liang, t., ma, z. (2015). sustainability education in massive open online courses: a content analysis approach. sustainability, 7(3), 2274-2300. https://doi.org/10.3390/su7032274
● zhan, z., mei, h.(2013). academic self-concept and social presence in face-to-face and online learning: perceptions and effects on students' learning achievement and satisfaction across environments. computers & education, 69, 131-138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.07.002
● zhan, z. , xu, f. y., & ye, h. w. (2011). effects of an online learning community on active and reflective learners’ learning performance and attitudes in a face-to-face undergraduate course. computers & education, 56(4), 961-968. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2010.11.012
● mei h., ma z, zhan z.*, ning w, zuo h, wang j and huang y (2022) university students’ successive development from entrepreneurial intention to behavior: the mediating role of commitment and moderating role of family support. front. psychol. 13:859210. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.859210
● mei, h., ma, z., jiao, s., chen, x., lv, x., & zhan, z.* (2017). the sustainable personality in entrepreneurship: the relationship between big six personality, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention in the chinese context. sustainability, 9(9), 1649. https://doi.org/10.3390/su9091649
● zhong, b., liu, x., zhan, z.(2022),china: reform research-evaluation criteria. nature 602(7897):386-386, doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-00408-9
● z. zhan, b. zhong*, x. shi, q. si, and j. zheng (2022), the design and application of irobotq3d for simulating robotics experiments in k‐12 education, comput appl eng educ. 30: 532–549. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22471
● zhong, b.,zheng, j. & zhan, z. (2020): an exploration of combining virtual and physical robots in robotics education, interactive learning environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1786409
● zhan, z.(2010) a review of virtual classroom interface designs, 2010 international conference on educational and information technology, 2010, pp. v2-264-v2-267, doi: 10.1109/iceit.2010.5607569.
● zhan z. (2011) the application of virtual reality on distance education. in: chen r. (eds) intelligent computing and information science. icicis 2011. communications in computer and information science, vol 135. springer, berlin, heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-18134-4_13
● zhan, z., li, y., yuan,x., chen, q. (2021). to be or not to be: parents’ willingness to send their children back to school after the covid-19 outbreak. the asia-pacific education researcher. doi:10.1007/s40299-021-00610-9
● zhan, z., wei, q., & hong, j. c. (2021). cellphone addiction during the covid-19 outbreak: how online social anxiety and cyber danger belief mediate the influence of personality. computers in human behavior, 121, 106790. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.106790
● zhan, z., zhang, l., mei, h., & fong, p. (2016). online learners’ reading ability detection based on eye-tracking sensors. sensors, 16(9), 1457-1467.
● 詹泽慧,钟柏昌,霍丽名,黄美仪.面向文化传承的学科融合教育(c-steam):价值定位与分类框架[j].中国电化教育.2020(3): 69-76.
● 詹泽慧,李克东,林芷华,钟柏昌,麦梓莹,李炜贤. 面向文化传承的学科融合教育(c-steam):6c模式与实践案例[j]. 现代远程教育研究,2020,32(2):29-38.
● 詹泽慧,霍丽名,林芷华,李圆敏.c-steam教育的区域推进策略——基于教育公共治理的视角[j].重庆行政,2020,21(04):32-35.
● 詹泽慧,李彦刚,高瑞翔.文化本位的跨学科学习:steam教育本土化的一种重要途径[j].中国电化教育,2022(01):95-104.
● 詹泽慧,钟柏昌,李克东,李彦刚.粤港澳大湾区steam教育协同创新发展模式[j].现代远程教育研究,2022,34(01):48-55.
● 李彦刚,高瑞翔,童瑶,周欣雨,兰希馨,詹泽慧.c-steam教育何以有效:面向“传承”与“创新”的双视角[j].开放学习研究,2022,27(02):37-45.
● 詹泽慧,梅虎,麦子号,邵芳芳.创造性思维与创新思维:内涵辨析、联动与展望[j].现代远程教育研究.2019(3):40-49.
● 詹泽慧,霍丽名,姚佳静,戴莎莎.人工智能时代mooc将如何发展:机遇与挑战——与curtis bonk教授和paul kim教授的对话[j].中国电化教育,2019(2):10-15.
● 詹泽慧,姚佳静,李怡.技术融合高等教育的学习理论、实践与创新[j].开放学习研究,2019,24(4):33-40.
● 詹泽慧,钟柏昌.高中人工智能教育应该教什么和如何教?——基于四本《人工智能初步》教材的内容分析.[j].电化教育研究,2020,6:68-74.
● 詹泽慧,钟柏昌.人工智能助力高等教育:变革与坚守[j].中国高等教育,2021(20):22-24.
● 詹泽慧, 姚佳静, 吴倩意, 黄秉刚.人工智能课程表现性评价的设计与应用[j].现代教育技术,2022(5):32-41.
● 钟柏昌,詹泽慧(2022).人工智能教育的顶层设计:共识、差异与问题——基于4套标准文件的内容分析[j].现代远程教育研究,34(4):29-40.
● 詹泽慧,黄蔚,钟柏昌.开创在线教育的中国道路. 中国教育报, 2019-11-9(1). 发表于《中国教育报》2019年11月9日。http://www.jyb.cn/rmtzgjyb/201911/t20191109_273293.html
● 黄蔚.疫情面前,深度融合是在线学习的关键-访华南师范大学教育信息技术学院博士生导师钟柏昌、詹泽慧教授.中国教育报.2020.2.8.信息化版. http://www.jyb.cn/rmtzgjyb/202002/t20200208_292968.html
● 詹泽慧,钟柏昌.弹性复课:为后疫情时期复课提供灵活性[j].教育家, 2020, 5(222): 38-39.
● 詹泽慧,邵芳芳,范逸洲,何国庆,姚佳静,汪琼. mooc与教师专业化发展:积极老龄化的大数据发现[j].中国远程教育,2020, 40-51.
● 詹泽慧,钟柏昌.教育评价改革背景下的作业方式创新[j].教育家,2020(42):29-30.
● 詹泽慧,徐福荫,梅虎.网络课程质量评价模型:感知维度的研究[j].现代教育技术:2009(3):86-90.
● 詹泽慧,李晓华. 美国高校教师学习共同体的构建—访美国迈阿密大学教学促进中心主任米尔顿.克斯教授[j].中国电化教育.2009(9): 1-7.
● 詹泽慧,李晓华. 混合学习:定义、策略、现状与发展趋势—与美国印第安纳大学教授柯蒂斯.邦克教授的对话[j].中国电化教育.2009(12):1-6.
● 梅虎,詹泽慧.基于小世界网络的web2.0教育传播网络研究[j].中国电化教育: 2009(6):102-105.
● 詹泽慧,梅虎,詹涵舒,陈亚芝.中英美开放课程资源质量现状比较研究[j].比较教育研究.2010(1):44-48.
● 詹泽慧.计算机基础课程中的组合式任务驱动教学设计[j].中国教育信息化.2011(4):63-65.
● 詹泽慧.远程学习者的元认知作用机制研究[j].中国电化教育.2011(5):50-53.
● 詹泽慧,梅虎.学业自我概念对面授与远程学习之作用差异—以美国高校学生为样本[j].电化教育研究.2013(3):43-46.
● 詹泽慧,詹宏基.混合学习活动模式与实施策略研究[j]中国教育信息化,2013(18):32-34.
● 詹泽慧, 远程教育中的智能教学代理、角色、设计要素与应用方式[j].现代远程教育研究.2011,7(4):76-82.
● 詹泽慧.基于智能agent的远程学习者情感与认知识别模型—眼动追踪与表情识别欧洲杯投注官方网站的技术支持下的耦合[j].现代远程教育研究, 2013(5):100-105.
● 詹泽慧,梁婷,马子程.基于虚拟助理的远程学习支持服务及技术难点[j].现代远程教育研究, 2014(6):95-103.
● 詹泽慧,常旭华,方识华,梁婷.基于项目的在线协作知识共享模型-博弈视角下的研究[j].开放教育研究,2014,20(5):75-82.
● 詹泽慧,混合学习活动系统设计:策略与应用效果,华南理工大学出版社,37.6万字,2011
● 詹泽慧/梅虎/梁婷,在线讨论中的动态知识共享机制研究,科学出版社,38万字,2018
● 黄美仪,詹泽慧,面向文化传承的学科融合教育c-steam---佛山禅城地区的探索与实践.华南理工大学出版社, 2022
● 詹泽慧,李铂,李丽萍,蔡韶华,flash cs4创意动漫制作基础(高等学校计算机基础课程多元教学系列),高等教育出版社,29万字,2012
● zhan, z., huo, l., yao, x., zhong, b. (2021). china's formal online education under covid-19: actions from government, schools, enterprises, and families. london; new york: routledge, doi: 10.4324/9781003188261, isbn: 9781003188261
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● 教育部霍英东教育基金会第十六届高等院校青年教师奖,2018
● 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖,2013
● 香江学者奖,2014
● 广东省优秀博士学位论文奖,2011
● 广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养对象,2014
● 全国教育软件大赛高等教育组一等奖,2007
● 香江学者年会最佳展示论文奖, 2015
● 美国管理学年会最佳论文奖, 2015
● 华南师范大学课堂教学质量优秀教师称号,2008
● “时代中国”华南师范大学“研究生“四好”导学团队,2021。
● 指导学生多次获得各类创新创业大赛获奖(i.e., 广东省互联网 大赛银奖、大学生创新创业大赛、中国国际“互联网 ”大学生创新创业大赛华南师范大学校赛“青年红色筑梦之旅”赛道金奖等)
指导学生多次获得国际学术会议优秀论文奖(i.e., icte、icoie、icemt、assert青年学者奖)。